Friday, August 12, 2005

And I thought I was prone to over exageration...

...but there's something to be said for The Hun who, being desperately torn between going to a party at the Monash house (with my most recent ex-housemates) and watching the sexsi union, will compare the stigmatism he would receive for not attending simply because he just doesn't want to attend, to being China: "ra ra stand alone nation ra ra communist regime ra ra ra do you? DO YOU?!??!?!!!!".

Needless to say, he gets to watch the rugby and then come and drive me home once I've consumed my quota of d'lish frozen cocktails, as follows:

Crank up the Blenda and Glamma-mix:::
  • Vodka;
  • Tequila;
  • Blue Curaceo (sp?!)
  • Red Cordial;
  • Brown sugar;
  • Frozen raspberries;
  • Frozen blueberries; and
  • Servo Ice.
Consume merrilly, with innapropriate stories, naughty s-and-f-and-c-and-a words'drunk eyes' and embarassing snorking laughing.

Go on! Nothing helps you celebrate a week of snow, stoopidly cold weather and increased site traffic than a frozen cocktail (please comment back and tell me all about ur EnnyBuzz!)


ChickyBabe said...

Sounds delish...pity I have a tooth ache!

Enny said...

Sounds like you need to have two then ;o)

Enny said...

Lemme know once you've given it a burl!