Tuesday, October 25, 2005

EnnyPen 101 - FINAL WEEK FOR 2005!! (*parties in head*)

Apart from considering myself an all-round ozzie chick, I also consider myself an exemplary cook, using only the choicest humbleberries for my pies.

*tiddy boom*

So, guys, I didn't speak to my tutor re: dissapointing essay mark. Everyone was right, credits should be good enough, esp considering I got HD for my speech, and am sitting on a D or HD for my tute mark, so I should still get a credit overall for course, depending on the success of my essay... and the tute was focussing on ways to do the exam essay so I don't really need to speak to him about that... so you, I'm tuckin into that there humble pie...

But only one more lecture and tute to go, the two exams and then I'm home free!

Although, I get my law marks back this afternoon, which I just may share with you as well (coz you're so, like dying to know).

There isn't much uni-wise to talk about in this late stage, so I'll finish this up and get my goss on re: martial arts camp on the w/end!

Enny Out!

1 comment:

ChickyBabe said...

Well done, Enny!!

Party Party party!!!