Monday, July 11, 2005

Todays heralds the dawn of a new era

My spunky little Dell arrived this morning, amongst much hand clapping, shuffle dancing and giggling from yours truly, and some much deserved praise from the co-workers.

I can't tell you much about it, being totally technically inept, but it has 60 gig of something, 1 gig of something else, a dvd burner, wireless internet, a shiny widescreen and is silver with white trim. It also smells like new computer (a feat I thought attributable only to new cars) and I want to marry it (I'm sure he'd buy me flowers or do the shopping or
{Deleted by the Author - sorry dudes!}... but I think that's another post completely!).

The best bit of this (besides have the cutest lappy in the Conder House) is that I will be able to plug my camera in and store my photos on him. And my Martial Arts stuff. {Deleted by the Author - sorry dudes!}

Ooh! And now I have something to put into my fancy attache (ooh la la!) that I bought on the weekend.

*Enny does her own cheesecake dance*


ChickyBabe said...

Nothing like girls and their new toys! I love my PDA!!!

Enny said...

Maybe THEY can get married - that's proddly more legal anyway!!!