Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Fian-say #2

Um yeah, wedding - obsessed much?
  • We're thinking September/October next year for the big event. I mentioned to The Hun last night that we could probably do it in February if we wanted, and he retorted that with the current wedding blitzkrieg I've got going, then yeah, it could totally happen. I think we'll stick with later in the year though.
  • I was so stoked to get the ring back - as soon as she put it down on the counter it was right back on the finger. "Oh, you're right to just wear it then?" Um yes. Yes I am.
  • My folder has come in handy - that's for sure. I've drafter and re-drafted and final-drafted the engagement party list, made myself a spreadsheet and checked and re-checked and final-checked. I enjoy very few administrative things, but I HEART making spreadsheets.
  • Youngest bro was a great help and a good sport to come along to look at paper with me on the weekend. He helpded me work out how to make them and which paper I liked best - so he can take a lot of credit for the invites I am making this weekend. The 70-something invites I am making this weekend.
  • We haven't officially worked out the bridal party yet either - poor ol The Hun has two groups of very close friends, 3 or 4 on each side. So I've selected who my three would be... if I can't have more than three, I'll definitely be asking my 'fourth' to get involved in as much as they like - I just wish I could tell them!
  • I have picked out colours and a theme though. How exciting! I can't wait to start shopping!!
  • I've also been building up a playlist of songs on my iPod that I love, to use at the engagement party and at the wedding. I am spending a lot of time looking goofy over the top of my screen as I listen to lyrics and wonder whether or not it can be used.
  • Things got a little more real and grounded last night as I was drafting the invites - I wanted to set up an email address to manage the RSVP's and stuff and I finally settled on HisSurname.MySurname.Wedding@gmail.com. Woah. I just... woah. It finally seemed real. How exciting!!!


Desci said...

I don't know why, but these wedding posts are like crack. I'm so excited for you!

Lulu said...

Loving hearing how the wedding planning is going- the way you are going it will all be done before I even manage to get half of mine done.

I like planning but finding the time is difficult. I do have a dress makers appointment on Sunday though- and cake taste test and looky next week!

I am without my engagement ring at the moment and it is so weird- and there is a line where it was. The wedding ring is getting moulded at the moment and I will get my e ring back on Saturday, or maybe Friday if I manage to get the shop before they close.

Please please share your music list with me!

Have you been looking at dresses?

Enny said...

desci - I am SO glad to hear you say that ;o)

lulu - I know! I am a woman on a mission ;o) I can't wait to see more on your dress too!!! How long until you get it back?

My list is just songs I really like, like I'll be listening to Thom Yorke going 'hrm, can I make this somehow wedding appropriate?!' heh heh.

No, not yet - want to shift a few kg first, so will go after the eng party.