Sunday, April 24, 2005

Night at the movies - In Good Company

Went down to the Hyperdome to see In Good Company last night with The Hun. We almost didn't as I HATE MISSING PREVIEWS and he seemed to be doing his darndest to stall the whole 'leaving on time' thang. Still, the Sticky Taped 200 made it to Tuggers with 10 minutes to spare...

Side Note: My poor beast is sticky taped thanks to some 'creative parking' at work the other week, requiring some handy-manning-with-duct-tape to hold the front bar on. The only plus side to this is that it could kinda look like I did it while drifting, which would give me some (much undeserved) street cred. So it'll be staying there for a while. Dah-rift-uuuuuuuuuu!!!

The Ticks:
- Topher Grace (of That 70s Show fame) looking very Toby Maguire-ish... I don't really know why that makes it a plus coz I'm not that big on Mr Maguire, but he was nontheless quite pleasing to watch - I think I'm doing my bit to look out for the meek;
- Scarlett Johansson in general. She's pretty cool, I rate her (so does The Hun, but I think thats for different reasons - given away by his 'Is she the one who's proud of her curves? She should be...); and
- The Sountrack. Kinda Garden State-ish, methinks.

The Crosses:
- The lack of any real plot, character development, or any real ending;
- The way Scarlett Johansson had the butchest voice I'd ever heard at the start, but tuned all nice and girly-lilted at the end; and
- The way that it cost over $40 bucks for tickets, popcorn, drinx and icecream to see a fairly sub-standard PG movie, in a theatre with Noisy Group of Girls in front, and Guy Who Guessess Out Loud What The Next Line Will Be behind.

I don't think that I'd recommend it, I'd proddly suggest seeing either Robots or Hitch, both of which I would like to see, but haven't yet.

In fact, the only highlight was when Dennis Quaid was farewelling Scarlett as she started College, and he had to rush off coz he was gonna cry (and he is oh-too-tough to cry in front of his daughter). Something about the way his face crumpled up struck a cord in my stupid tear ducts, causing my eyes to water and a little scumpled 'Aaauuuuuuw'' to escape from my mouth, causing The Hun to turn and see the watering eyes and the provide the 'point and laugh' that magically seems to occur each time I get choked up over something stupid... In an effort to try and turn the situation around, I tried to flip it into a laugh, which came out as a snort, leaving me shaking and shuddering with grunts, giggles and tears...How did I manage to become so cinematically retarted? I don't know... ask Yo Mama (heh heh, I Kill Me!).

So yeah, don't bother =o)

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