I can't remember how, but I borrowed this "Meem" from
here. Hers is proddly better and she's definately hotTer, but ah well - I'm on the cruisers and figure I can't do too much damage:
40 Questions....My uncle once: {Deleted by the Author - sorry dudes!}Never in my life: have I attempted to inhale
When I was five: I told my pre-school teacher that my favourite song was
Psycho Killer (fa-fa-fa-fire-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fire-fire)
High School was: the only time that I've ever sung in front of other people and even then it was so quiet I could only get D's.
I will never forget: seeing my Pa laying out in the front room the last time that I saw him. This is much better than remembering him being karted out to the morgue truck in a black bag, seeing him under the white sheet in the funeral parlour or knowing that he was in the box that my brothers had to carry.
I once met: The guy who played the eldest Brady. He was very gruff and had a psycho-man-fan.
There's this girl I know who: I wish would just come out and say it so that we could all be friends again.
Once, at a bar: I was concentrating so hard on not tripping down the stairs at Mooseheads that my heel broke and I nearly tripped down the stairs at Mooseheads.
By noon, I'm usually: Craving caffeine.
Last night: We played trivial pursuit at a friends house.
*sigh*If I only had: The idiots guide to blogging.
Next time I go to church: It'll proddly be for another wedding and I'll proddly feel guilty for not going more often.
Terry Shiavo: and her family were in a position I never hope to be in.
What worries me most: is dying, though I don't keep myself awake at night over it.
When I turn my head left, I see: one of the cushions that
The Huns mum made him.
When I turn my head right, I see: The Hun and a friend playing Bomberman and drinking Sol beer (the poor mans Corona).
You know I'm lying when: I try and hide my dimples.
What I miss most about the eighties: is my infamous outfit of purple trackies, giant hot pick turtleneck and a black belt.
If I was a character in Shakespeare, I'd be: Ophelia, so Mel Gibson could play my boyf and we could heart on each other.
By this time next year: I hope to be blogging a little better and not jus reverting back to this meme!
A better name for me would be: Queen of the Cosmos!
I have a hard time understanding: Geography. India is in Asia, people!!!
If I ever go back to school, I'll: NOT keep a mouse in my sleeve in Music class.
You know I like you if: I dress my boobs for you.
If I ever won an award, the first person I'd thank would be: The Acadamy.
Darwin, Mozart, Slim Pickens & Geraldine Ferraro: Dolphins, piano, card games and chocolates.
Take my advice, never: take back a guy that's cheated or after you've realised he's crap and dumped him and especially not both!
My ideal breakfast is: Hash Browns, Bacon, Eggs, grilled mushrooms and a redeye.
A song I love, but do not own is: Don't Cha by The Pussycat Dolls
*only half a shameful cringe*If you visit my hometown, I suggest: you visit coz I never left it!
Tulips, character flaws, microchips & stars: driving to Sydney, earthquackes, green metal squares and the fact that there is one named after me!
Why won't people: maintain a sense of self once they are in a couple?
If you spend the night at my house: I'll bring you out a doona.
I'd stop my wedding for: a roast WITH Tom Cruise a tissue *sniff*
The world could do without: war. I mean honestly, WTF is it good for?
I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: listen to someone complain about animal testing/kill for work. If you can do that shit without any moral dilemma then you get no sympathy, bisnatch!
My favorite blonde is: BRIT-BRIT!
Paper clips are more useful than: those dinky clips that you need the special ejector thing for. You know what I'm talking about.
If I do anything well, it's: make dirty and suggestive comments.
And by the way: If you wanna DIY I'd love to come round and read it!