Monday, May 19, 2008

Found: One real life grownup

Did you know I'm a real live grownup now?
Last week: The Hun and I inspected a house. TO BUY.

I know. Mental, isn't it?

I stalk allhomes at least once a fortnight and usually just point and scoff at the deluded property owners. What?! $380,000 for a house in Gilmore? Who on earth would do that to their walls and carpet?! What makes you think you can get that much money for a tiny 3 beddy with a carport?! What a rort!!!

But then, a house stood out to me amongst the others. A house in a suburb we are chasing, new floor and kitchen, big yard, 3 bedrooms with separate lounge, dining and family room. I called The Hun and asked him to have a look at the ad, to ignore our savings target for a moment and to seriously consider what could be a great deal - something that might be worth borrrowing the extra money that we were already hoping to have before we bought. And he said yes.

Of course, he was cautious. You may have deduced that when I want something, I want it now, Now, NOW and that I don't always take the time to think things through. This is bad news for the man who will be entering the property market when properties are exorbitantly priced out of our realistic range.

We met outside the house last Thursday and walked through. The photos on the site were taken using a fishbowl lens, making them appear much larger than they actually were, but they were still fair sized rooms. The kitchen was beautiful but meant the only space for a fridge was accross the room in the family area. The yard was big but had a large block of concrete in the middle and was on a bit of a slope. The bathroom was in good condition but was shared ensuite style with the rest of the house. There were two other rooms but only one had a (tiny) BIR. The house felt cosy and homey but the carpet needed to be replaced and all the walls had marks and chips.

Sensible me decided we wouldn't persue it any further (and the agent who called me the next day remarked that I seemed like a very independent woman who had it all under control) and I think The Hun was pretty surprised.

It was really good to get out there and look at something. I'm keeping my eye on the market and critically evaluating all the houses before I decided whether or not to add it to my watchlist, let along go see it.

Rumour has it that house prices will rise by 40% in the next five years. Rumour also has it that Canberra house prices will drop 30% this year. At the current market rate, we will have enough money to cover 10% deposit, legal fees and stamp duty (WHAT A RIP THAT IS) in November this year. Who knows - we could be buying sooner.

But for all the hard work, it's quite exciting to be a grownup!


kranki said...

Damn, it's weird to be a grownup. I have no idea about the real estate in Australia but I do know that you should scrimp and stretch to get as much house as you can possibly afford. With the population spiking there is no better investment on Earth than real estate.

Enny said...

Kranki - in 12 months the average price of a house in Canberra went from 407,000 to 470,000. We're only looking at house at like 360,000 so they're below average - you get a 10-20 year old house with three bedrooms and one bathroom.
