I was in the middle of whinging to Mick that should be someone we could complain to about the TOTALLY RATSH!T manner in which the BDO site operated from midnight last night. Heaven knows how many times I entered my personal details and my credit card details, how many times I hit F5, how many times I swore at the 'too many tickets ordered' message or cursed the manner in which it asked me to verify a code WITHOUT SHOWING ME A CODE. Or the time it told me it would show confirmation in two minutes, and I started at the blank screen for over 25 minutes until it eventually just timed out.
People were dropping like flies - The Hun hit the pillow at 12:30 (once it got to 12:15 and I didn't have tickets yet, he realised he wasn't really all that keen and didn't mind if we missed out), eldest bro's gf passed out at about 1:30 and eldest bro took over the shift, and youngest bro gave up at around the same time. Middle bro secured his tickets at around 2am (I read of ppl on forums who had managed to get some at around 12:30 and were still complaining!) and I FINALLY got mine almost 3 hours after I first tried, with Mick the same soon after. I'd called a lady at work to let her know that they were on at midnight - she was trying to get tickets for her son - she gave up at around 2am and did the same as youngest bro, attempting to buy the tickets through Ticketmaster. Luckily she and youngest bro made it - apparently all tickets were sold out by 9:22am (they went on sale at 9am).
Big thanks to Mick who kept ME awake, ensuring that I didn't give up in one of my many mini-tanties I experienced during the dark hours of early morning - could you imagine sitting up past 2:30am and then giving up?! We only just got tickets last year when we didn't realise they went on sale at midnight (I was luckily at my parents house at 6:30am for martial arts camp and my bro's reminded me) so there was no chance I was going to miss out on Bjork!
Anyone else going?
It was a tiring night! If not for your sparkling company, I fear I may have fallen asleep.
It'll be totally worth it.
I was thinking during the night that there was no chance it would sell out that quick in the morning.
Boy was I wrong. Am much happier to have bought it through the official site instead of EVIL EVIL Ticketmaster anyway.
mick - if I knew it would take so long, I could planned ahead and got hammered or something, so I could chill a bit. But being totally unprepared for sitting up till sparrows fart was terrible. But yeah - will be TOTALLY worth it - I'm excited about buying neons in the boiler room already :o)
"Sparkling company"? Enny, you've changed man!
I'm glad y'all got tickets. Cara is super freakin' excited about seeing Bjork. Her excitement might even rival yours - Whoa!
adam - nah, I'm at my sparklingest at 2:30am - you jus haven't lasted that long! I'm so excited to hear she's excited :o)
I've heard soooo many people complaining about missing out on tickets. I bet Ebay is going to do a roaring trade.
steph - The Hun's sisters bf logged on at 9:05 and missed out - he then checked eBay and there were tix on there for $1000!!! How terrible is that.
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