Sunday, December 28, 2008

December dots

  • I am playing a LOT of this game. My highest score is just over 40,000 atm, but I'm thinking I'll be able to beat that tonight.
  • We've started watching Six Feet Under - something we've been meaning to do since middle bro told us it was the best finale to a show he ever saw. We're halfway through Season 2 and it's REALLY good.
  • How was your Christmas? Did you get spoilt? The birdy boys were the present for me and The Hun for each other, but I got the Beyonce CD (FINALLY!), this fantastic Dilbert book, a Jade bracelet (still in the mail), the Marly and Me book (which I'm having trouble getting in to because of the way it is written!), a beachy type bag, a Josh Pyke ticket (which I can't use as I'll be in Sydney for the Future Music Festival), some pirate tattoos and a few other things. I got very spoilt and had a great day hanging out with the family and visiting The Huns family after I ate way too much.
  • New Years is coming up soon! We're planning to go to our friends house - he lives less than 2 minutes walk away, so it's super convenient for us... we're lucky he's offered to host for the last three years!
  • Jacqui the dog is settling in really well - she only ate a meal for the first time in almost four days the other day - her previous owner was feeding her only minced chicken, so she was refusing the dog food! It didn't do her any harm though, middle bro weighed both the dogs the other day - Pounder was 4kg, Jacqui the dog was 9kg! That's more than double Pounders weight, and they're the same height!!! They're getting along really well though, check out these pictures that middle bro took the other day - I think they're in luuuuurve:

  • With new years coming up, I'm refocussing my effort back on the gym, with a target to be happier by my birthday (at the end of March). Damn that Victoria's Secret show we taped...
  • The birdies are going well too - they are starting to learn to wolf whistle (which I think is great!) and are a lot easier to get out of the cage now. They still try to fly which is totally retarded, but now they are much quicker to run back over to your foot to get up higher again. Lovely little fellows they are!


Anonymous said...

Pirate Tatts? Arrrr.

Damn that Victoria's Secret show - they may not be able to speak English so well, but damn those girls look good.


Anonymous said...

Yes, damn that show!

I definitely got spoilt for Christmas. Thank God, or I wouldn't've made rent this month.

Yay for puppies!

Enny said...

j'berry - yup! All four of us kids got them :o) And double *sigh*

Rachel - Heh heh, hooray for rent money as well!