Monday, November 10, 2008

Sixth and sixth

Lulu tagged me!

"The rules are to post the sixth photo in the sixth folder on your computer. Some have done this and others have taken their sixth photo on flickr or in the 6th folder on flickr, or the sixth photo on their phones."

I've used three photos - the sixth photo in the sixth folder of my active photos, the sixth photo in the sixth folder of my pics printed in Feb 08, and the sixth photo in the sixth folder of my pics printed in Sep 07. I basically have an active folder that holds everything, then a subfolder for the ones I've already printed - that subfolder has the two other folders in there, coz I always save up to many photos and it's so expensive to get them printed.

Enough of the fun talk about my file storage, on to the challenge!

The sixth photo in the sixth folder of my active photos:
This was taken at a martial arts camp we ran for our blackbelts in May this year. It was FREEZING but we still like to take the students to the beach for tai chi and meditation at sunrise. Here we are doing tai chi - I'm the one on the left. Magf is in the background with some of the senior students.

From the folder printed Feb 08:
Christmas at mumsy and dadsy's! I'm not sure who took this or why, because we're not doing anything exciting... from L-R is dadsy, me, eldest bro's gf, eldest bro, youngest bro, and middle bro. We're upholding my parents favourite tradition, which involves them demanding we arrive at the house at some ridiculour early hour, only to find they're not even out of bed. Then they have breakfast and try to make us clean while the sloooooowly have a shower and then come back downstairs for the present swap. Good times, gotta love tradition.

From the folder printed Sep 08:
Ooh! This is a good one! This is from a friends house - the guy on the left is one of my first housemates, and this was the night he found out that another friend wanted to go out with him - they're still together and bought a house down the street from us! The girl on the right is the gf of one of The Huns best friends - they've been together like 8 years, and this was as she was getting to know us all better, as he was OS at the time. I've been getting to know her more recently, and she's super fantastic! I also later found out that this night one of the other guys there was spreading rumours about her bf cheating on her while he was OS - how terrible! And I had no idea that he was saying that, or that she heard that!

Anyways, I would love for EVERYONE to do this one - then come back and let me know you've done it!


Lulu said...

I just love love love the yellow faces! Everytime the crack me up!

I have never done Taichi?! Any good?

Enny said...

lulu - I'm glad you like them! It is good - have done it through martial arts for over 10 years now, not sure our technique is the best, but a lot of it is about intent :o)