Thursday, July 17, 2008

Oh man

If there's a way* I could get married** in this dress, I would.

* Including marrying her - she's on my swing list.
**No, not getting married any time soon***.
*** Unless someone can hook me up with the lovely miss G****


Amanda said...

Jay asked me the other night who I would get to play in the film version of me- Miss G came to mind without even having to think about it. I also told him I'd leave him for her, but I don't think I would... I'd just have to convince him to loan me out to her :)

Desci said...

WORD on the Ms G and Mr G love... but very, very separately, of course. Not even I'M that pervy.

Anonymous said...

I agree - it's a stunning dress. And why couldn't you wear it as a wedding dress? Rules are made to be broken.

LaLa said...

That is a gorgeous dress... I wonder who the designer is. It's nice to see her bosom well supported. On occasion she has been guilty of the wearing no bra, which is fine if you are lucky enough to get away with it, but not when you have swingin boosies, it just looks painful to me

rack said...

LOVE her. She's on my list too :)

The dress is also lovely !

Enny said...

amanda - I'm not so confident in my vampiness, but it would be awesome to have her!

desci - yeah, seperately I guess, now that YOU'VE made ME feel like a perve! ;o)

trish - I'm just not gothy enough! I would hope to see it in white and still look as uber-fab.

lala - it is my mission to try and find out who made it tonight - she totally has classy cleavage right there.

rack - I think there are very few people who WOULDN'T have her on the list! Sexalicious :o)

Enny said...


The dress is a charcoal 'Dries Van Noten':

Don't know where you'd buy it from though...!

Mars said...

ooh i saw that pic on fug this morning and thought SHAA-WING! i lurve it too!!! (and her)

Enny said...

mars - she's the universal crush!

flashman said...

What a funny picture - the two white guys on the left wearing beige suits and smiles, and the two black guys on the right (with more visible in the background) wearing security earpieces and watchful looks. It almost seems to tell a story.

Enny said...

flashy - I hadn't noticed that before!