Saturday, October 01, 2005


Right. You all know I'm ' sposed to be doing the shitload of uni work that is due on Tuesday, so it's for this reason that I'm finally sitting down at 11pm on Saturday night to start my presentation, my reference list, my 2 page summary and my 1500 word essay, redeye in hand, turkish pide in belly and strange brain-sucking earphones (to block out the noise of The Hun watching 'Saw' in the room with the heater in it, meaning the door must be left open) feat. Jeff Buckley in head and replying to my first ever tag!!!

The always entertaining and thought-provoking ChickyBabe tagged me thussly (rules copied from her tagger August95):

The Rules:

1. Go into your archive.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag five other people to do the same.

{insert drum roll} tatatatatatatata {end drum roll}

EnnyPens 23rd post was this doozy-woozy.

Making her 5th sentence this gemmy-wemmy

{insert 20th Century Fox Fanfare} tatatatatatatata {end 20th Century Fox Fanfare}

I'm gullible.

Well duh. Does the pope shit in the woods? It's suprising how much of an insight this task gives. I was ranting about {Deleted by the Author - sorry dudes!}

To try and back up how gullible I am, I asked The Hun for an example. After he snorked a lil, we came to the conclusion that it's pretty hard for particular instances as he stopped tricking me after the first while coz it just got too easy and took the fun out of it. I mean, I'm sure I've told y'all that I did a course at uni that was all about not taking everything I read or hear as gospel, but it didn't really help a whole lot once exam period was over. But between you and me, I still get tinglez from hitting 'Reply All' with a Snopes link whenever I get forwarded a reaaaaally obvious fakey that I've already read in the weekly Snopes update...
Enough about me, I'd lurve to hear about you.

And because I'm chickensh!t and don't know many people round these here parts, I'm begging tagging TJ, The Student, Jelly, my lil bro {I'll post his reply if he gets round to it!} and leave one spare for the first lucky 'other' person to get in and reply...that's right, you! The one with the hair! Yes, YOU!!!



The Student said...

I pulled that snopes link bullshit on some dicklicker who forwarded an email to all her friends about kitties in jars.

She then had the nerve to suggest the snopes link looked fake....compared to KITTENS IN JARS!


ChickyBabe said...

How cute, short and to the point!! Thanks for playing, Enny :).