Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Did you make the protest today?

I was going to post about it - I wasn't 'able' to attend (read into that how you will) - but I don't know that I'm in such a position to do so.

So instead, I'd like to commission a study into the black hole that is present between assessment that you fiddle-fart-arse out at the last minute and score well on, and the assessment you frickin stress your hair out and score the same on. WTF?!


Anonymous said...

My first year at uni I worked worked worked my little white rump off, and only pulled a credit average.

I was so disheartened by this that I completely fucked off second year, got flippant and narky in my essays, and adopted a highly cynical attitude that MUST have shown through my assessments.

I scored a High Distinction average.

At that point I realised that no logic applies whatsoever to uni assessment, and that as long as you're vocal and imaginative and will defend your views to the death no matter how shite the topic, you'll be right.

Then again, I had some awesome lecturers in some awesome subjects, so this probably doesn't apply as a general rule.

In fact, you should probably ignore all the above.

Enny said...

Thanks for your advice! ;o)

I'm pretty sure my narkiness comes through (I yam what I yam!) but I am now leaning more towards making my second semester like your second year!